East China Normal University Global Education Center
Guide for scholarship application
To support and encourage more outstanding international students and scholars to study at our university, East China Normal University offers scholarship opportunities for international students. The available types of scholarships include the Chinese Government Scholarship, Shanghai Municipal Government Scholarship, International Chinese Language Teachers Scholarship , and East China Normal University Scholarship. We welcome you to explore our website and discover the scholarship that suits you, allowing you to embark on an exciting international study journey!
Scholarships for Undergraduate program
Chinese Government Scholarship Type A
Not for 2+2 or 1+3 program.
Not for English taught BBA programs.
Full Scholarship
(Tuition/Accommodation/Insurance fee+monthly allowance 2500 RMB)
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Shanghai Government Scholarship
Not for majors of School of International Chinese Studies or Asia-Europe Business School (English-taught BBA programs)
Type A: Full Scholarship
(Tuition, Accommodation, Insurance fee, monthly allowance 2500 RMB)

Type B: Partial Scholarship
(Tuition, Insurance)
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International Chinese Language Teachers Scholarship
Teaching Chinese as a foreign language
Full Scholarship
(Tuition, Accommodation, Insurance fee, monthly allowance 2500 RMB)
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Excellent Freshmen Scholarship
Not for 2+2 or 1+3 program.
Not for English taught BBA programs.
Montly allowance 2500 RMB for 12 months
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Scholarships for Master program
CSC A-Youth of Excellence Scheme of China
Education Management
International Business (Single Degree)
Full scholarship (waive tuition, provide on campus dorm & living allowance & comprehensive medical insurance while studying in China, and so on)
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Chinese Government Scholarship Type A
Not for Master of International Business (Double Major) or Master of Business Administration (Chinese Taught)
Full Scholarship (Exempt from Tuition Fee and on-campus Accommodation Fee; including comprehensive Insurance and Monthly Stipend 3000 RMB)
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Chinese Government Scholarship Type B
Not for Master of International Business (Double Major) or Master of Business Administration (Chinese Taught)
Full Scholarship (Exempt from Tuition Fee and on-campus Accommodation Fee; including comprehensive Insurance and Monthly Stipend 3000 RMB)
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Shanghai Government Scholarship
Not for Master of International Business (Double Major) or Master of Business Administration (Chinese Taught)
Type A: Full Scholarship (Tuition, Accommodation, Insurance fee, monthly allowance 3000 RMB)

Type B: Partial Scholarship (Tuition, Insurance)
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International Chinese Language Teachers Scholarship
Teaching Chinese to Speakers of Other Languages
Full Scholarship (Exempt from Tuition Fee and on-campus Accommodation Fee; including comprehensive Insurance and Monthly Stipend 3000 RMB)
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CSC A-Youth of Excellence Scheme of China
Education Management
International Business (Single Degree)
Full scholarship (waive tuition, provide on campus dorm & living allowance & comprehensive medical insurance while studying in China, and so on)
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Chinese Government Scholarship Type A
Not for Master of International Business (Double Major) or Master of Business Administration (Chinese Taught)
Full Scholarship (Exempt from Tuition Fee and on-campus Accommodation Fee; including comprehensive Insurance and Monthly Stipend 3000 RMB)
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Chinese Government Scholarship Type B
Not for Master of International Business (Double Major) or Master of Business Administration (Chinese Taught)
Full Scholarship (Exempt from Tuition Fee and on-campus Accommodation Fee; including comprehensive Insurance and Monthly Stipend 3000 RMB)
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Shanghai Government Scholarship
Not for Master of International Business (Double Major) or Master of Business Administration (Chinese Taught)
Type A: Full Scholarship (Tuition, Accommodation, Insurance fee, monthly allowance 3000 RMB)

Type B: Partial Scholarship (Tuition, Insurance)
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International Chinese Language Teachers Scholarship
Teaching Chinese to Speakers of Other Languages
Full Scholarship (Exempt from Tuition Fee and on-campus Accommodation Fee; including comprehensive Insurance and Monthly Stipend 3000 RMB)
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Chinese Government Scholarship Type A
Not for Master of International Business (Double Major) or Master of Business Administration (Chinese Taught)
Full Scholarship (Exempt from Tuition Fee and on-campus Accommodation Fee; including comprehensive Insurance and Monthly Stipend 3000 RMB)
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Chinese Government Scholarship Type B
Not for Master of International Business (Double Major) or Master of Business Administration (Chinese Taught)
Full Scholarship (Exempt from Tuition Fee and on-campus Accommodation Fee; including comprehensive Insurance and Monthly Stipend 3000 RMB)
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Shanghai Government Scholarship
Not for Master of International Business (Double Major) or Master of Business Administration (Chinese Taught)
Type A: Full Scholarship (Tuition, Accommodation, Insurance fee, monthly allowance 3000 RMB)

Type B: Partial Scholarship (Tuition, Insurance)
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International Chinese Language Teachers Scholarship
Teaching Chinese to Speakers of Other Languages
Full Scholarship (Exempt from Tuition Fee and on-campus Accommodation Fee; including comprehensive Insurance and Monthly Stipend 3000 RMB)
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CSC A-Youth of Excellence Scheme of China
Education Management
International Business (Single Degree)
Full scholarship (waive tuition, provide on campus dorm & living allowance & comprehensive medical insurance while studying in China, and so on)
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Scholarships for PhD program
China Study Plan (PhD)
Chinese-taught majors in liberal arts.
Tuition, living expenses and research allowances, international traveling expenses, etc.
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Chinese Government Scholarship Type A
Full Scholarship
(Exempt from Tuition Fee and on-campus Accommodation Fee; including comprehensive Insurance and Monthly Stipend)
Monthly Stipend:3500 RMB/Month
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Chinese Government Scholarship Type B
Full Scholarship
(Exempt from Tuition Fee and on-campus Accommodation Fee; including comprehensive Insurance and Monthly Stipend)
Monthly Stipend:3500 RMB/Month
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Shanghai Government Scholarship
Type A: Full Scholarship
(Tuition, Accommodation, Insurance fee, monthly allowance 3500 RMB)

Type B: Partial Scholarship
(Tuition, Insurance)
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International Chinese Language Teachers Scholarship
Full Scholarship
(Exempt from Tuition Fee and on-campus Accommodation Fee; including comprehensive Insurance and Monthly Stipend)
Monthly Stipend:3500 RMB/Month
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China Study Plan (PhD)
Chinese-taught majors in liberal arts.
Tuition, living expenses and research allowances, international traveling expenses, etc.
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Chinese Government Scholarship Type A
Full Scholarship
(Exempt from Tuition Fee and on-campus Accommodation Fee; including comprehensive Insurance and Monthly Stipend)
Monthly Stipend:3500 RMB/Month
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Chinese Government Scholarship Type B
Full Scholarship
(Exempt from Tuition Fee and on-campus Accommodation Fee; including comprehensive Insurance and Monthly Stipend)
Monthly Stipend:3500 RMB/Month
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Shanghai Government Scholarship
Type A: Full Scholarship
(Tuition, Accommodation, Insurance fee, monthly allowance 3500 RMB)

Type B: Partial Scholarship
(Tuition, Insurance)
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International Chinese Language Teachers Scholarship
Full Scholarship
(Exempt from Tuition Fee and on-campus Accommodation Fee; including comprehensive Insurance and Monthly Stipend)
Monthly Stipend:3500 RMB/Month
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Chinese Government Scholarship Type A
Full Scholarship
(Exempt from Tuition Fee and on-campus Accommodation Fee; including comprehensive Insurance and Monthly Stipend)
Monthly Stipend:3500 RMB/Month
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Chinese Government Scholarship Type B
Full Scholarship
(Exempt from Tuition Fee and on-campus Accommodation Fee; including comprehensive Insurance and Monthly Stipend)
Monthly Stipend:3500 RMB/Month
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Shanghai Government Scholarship
Type A: Full Scholarship
(Tuition, Accommodation, Insurance fee, monthly allowance 3500 RMB)

Type B: Partial Scholarship
(Tuition, Insurance)
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International Chinese Language Teachers Scholarship
Full Scholarship
(Exempt from Tuition Fee and on-campus Accommodation Fee; including comprehensive Insurance and Monthly Stipend)
Monthly Stipend:3500 RMB/Month
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China Study Plan (PhD)
Chinese-taught majors in liberal arts.
Tuition, living expenses and research allowances, international traveling expenses, etc.
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Scholarships for Non-degree program
CSC China-Link Program
All disciplines other than Chinese language study.
Full Scholarship
Exempt from Tuition Fee and on-campus Accommodation Fee; including comprehensive Insurance and Monthly Stipend
Monthly Stipend for General Visiting Student:3000 RMB/Month
Monthly Stipend for Senior Visiting Student:3500 RMB/Month
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Chinese Government Scholarship Type A
Undergraduate and Graduate Programs
Except for English-taught BBA programs and MIB programs(double degree), Chinese-taught MBA programs
Type A: Full Scholarship
(Tuition, Accommodation, Insurance fee, monthly allowance 3000 RMB)
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International Chinese Language Teachers Scholarship-Language Program
Full Scholarship for One-year Chinese Language Study Students
(Tuition, Accommodation, Insurance fee, monthly allowance 2500 RMB)
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International Chinese Language Teachers Scholarship-Visiting Program
Undergraduate majors in Chinese Language and Literature, Teaching Chinese to Speakers of Other Languages, Chinese History, Chinese Philosophy.
Full Scholarship (Tuition, Accommodation, Insurance fee, monthly allowance 2500 RMB)
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China Study Plan (Joint Research Ph.D)
Chinese-taught majors in liberal arts.
Living expenses and research allowances, international traveling expenses, etc.
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CSC China-Link Program
All disciplines other than Chinese language study.
Full Scholarship
Exempt from Tuition Fee and on-campus Accommodation Fee; including comprehensive Insurance and Monthly Stipend
Monthly Stipend for General Visiting Student:3000 RMB/Month
Monthly Stipend for Senior Visiting Student:3500 RMB/Month
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Chinese Government Scholarship Type A
Undergraduate and Graduate Programs
Except for English-taught BBA programs and MIB programs(double degree), Chinese-taught MBA programs
Type A: Full Scholarship
(Tuition, Accommodation, Insurance fee, monthly allowance 3000 RMB)
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International Chinese Language Teachers Scholarship-Language Program
Full Scholarship for One-year Chinese Language Study Students
(Tuition, Accommodation, Insurance fee, monthly allowance 2500 RMB)
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International Chinese Language Teachers Scholarship-Visiting Program
Undergraduate majors in Chinese Language and Literature, Teaching Chinese to Speakers of Other Languages, Chinese History, Chinese Philosophy.
Full Scholarship (Tuition, Accommodation, Insurance fee, monthly allowance 2500 RMB)
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China Study Plan (Joint Research Ph.D)
Chinese-taught majors in liberal arts.
Living expenses and research allowances, international traveling expenses, etc.
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Chinese Government Scholarship Type A
Undergraduate and Graduate Programs
Except for English-taught BBA programs and MIB programs(double degree), Chinese-taught MBA programs
Type A: Full Scholarship
(Tuition, Accommodation, Insurance fee, monthly allowance 3000 RMB)
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International Chinese Language Teachers Scholarship-Language Program
Full Scholarship for One-year Chinese Language Study Students
(Tuition, Accommodation, Insurance fee, monthly allowance 2500 RMB)
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International Chinese Language Teachers Scholarship-Visiting Program
Undergraduate majors in Chinese Language and Literature, Teaching Chinese to Speakers of Other Languages, Chinese History, Chinese Philosophy.
Full Scholarship (Tuition, Accommodation, Insurance fee, monthly allowance 2500 RMB)
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China Study Plan (Joint Research Ph.D)
Chinese-taught majors in liberal arts.
Living expenses and research allowances, international traveling expenses, etc.
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CSC China-Link Program
All disciplines other than Chinese language study.
Full Scholarship
Exempt from Tuition Fee and on-campus Accommodation Fee; including comprehensive Insurance and Monthly Stipend
Monthly Stipend for General Visiting Student:3000 RMB/Month
Monthly Stipend for Senior Visiting Student:3500 RMB/Month
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