公益倡议|第15届国际文化节系列活动之“ECNU 70周年,我们在行动!”期待你的加入
爱心无大小行动最重要 在华东师范大学70周年校庆即将到来之际,我们向全球国际学生发起倡议,从身边小事做起,力所能及地贡献自己的一份力量,在校园与社会中传递师大之爱。As the 70th Anniversary of ECNU is approaching, we launched an initiative to international students around the world to start from small things by your side, giving full play to your ability to contribute to school and society and pass on the love of ECNU. 其实,温暖的定义有很多:也许是对校园里流浪猫咪的呵护,也许是为宿管阿姨们送去的一份清凉。爱心无大小,行动最重要!Actually, the definition of warmth is wide: It can be care of stray cats on campus, maybe it&