East China Normal University Global Education Center
Program Information
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4 years

Statistics has seen a dramatic increase in its application in sciences. Part of the dynamic has been the technological revolution in computing providing new opportunities for statistical research and, even more significantly, new opportunities for applying statistical concepts to the problems of business, industry and government. New career opportunities in areas of applicable statistics have emerged – without diminishing in any way the traditional needs of academe. Indeed, career opportunities in higher education promise to become very attractive in this new era of big data.

The probability and statistics program started at East China Normal University as a laboratory in 1960 at the time when Prof. Zongshu Wei, a PhD from Iowa state University, was the leading applied mathematical statistician in Shanghai. Established in 1984, ECNU's mathematical statistics department is was one of three oldest key statistical programs in China. In 1985, the official journal of Chinese Probability and Statistical Society started and established its editorial office at ECNU. Over the years, mathematical statistics department has expanded into the School of Statistics, comprising of Department of Statistics and Actuarial Science (1984), Department of Risk Management and Insurance (1994), Department of Financial Engineering (2010), Academy of Applied Statistical Science (2010) and Key Laboratory of Advanced Theory and Application in Statistics and Data Science (2018). In 2017, the statistics program of ECNU is ranked among the first class disciplines of the “Double-First Class” initiative plan of the Minister of Education. In 2017, the statistics program was ranked No.3 (out of 120 statistics programs) national wide by the Minister of Education.

The statistics program currently has 57 full-time faculty members consisting of 22 full professors, 17 associate professors, 18 assistant professors. More than half of the faculty members have either earned their degrees from prestigious universities in the west or have had tremendous exposure to western curriculum via post-docs research or visiting positions. In addition, the program has two distinguished part-time faculty affiliates from Hong Kong University and Oxford University. Most faculty members are engaged in cutting-edge research in the areas of industry, finance, medical science funded by competitive nationwide as well as provincial grant programs.

The placement record of our graduates has been excellent. Our recent master's graduates have pursued careers split between industry, finance and government. PhD graduates have mostly sought positions at universities and research institutes and some took jobs in the finance industry and pharmaceutical companies commensurate with their training and PhD dissertations.

Program Requirement

Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.)

The Ph.D. is a research degree.  Students may enter the Ph.D. program if they have a Master’s degree from an accredited university and meet admission requirements of ECNU.  

The length of PhD program is four years with extension up to five years. The training program consists of course work, advisory by the advisor and/or the advisory committee, or co-advisory by the advisor and (external) oversea advisor. The advisory committee is formed by three faculty members including the supervisor. In addition to the program objectives for the master students, the PhD students are expected to achieve original research work independently and have the knowledge and ability to teach others. For international students in non-Chinese language taught programs, they MUST pass HSK-3 (≥180) or pass the "International Chinese Proficiency Standard Test" arranged by the university before graduation. 

The requirements for the Ph.D. degree are as follows:
1. Completion of at least 15 credits of approved graduate level courses. 
2. Passing the Ph.D. qualification examination.
3. Publication of at least one research paper at international major statistical journals.
4. Completion and successful defense of a Ph.D. dissertation, which is judged to be of publishable quality.

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Contact Information
Global Education Center, ECNU
Add: Room 253, Physics Building, 3663 North Zhongshan Road, Shanghai, China, 200062
Tel: (86-21)62232013/ 62238353
E-mail: lxs@ecnu.edu.cn
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