East China Normal University Global Education Center
Student Insurance
Comprehensive Insurance Requirements

From July 1st 2017, according to the regulations made by Chinese Ministry of Education, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Ministry of Public Safety, all the international students in China are required to have comprehensive insurance based on the national and school policies. For all the international students’ comprehensive insurance, East China Normal University has the following requirements:

1. For all the international students whose study period is less than 6 months, you need to present to ECNU international students office with the approved insurance policy (the insurance coverage is higher than the coverage of “Comprehensive Medical Insurance Policy for Foreigners Staying in China of Guo Ren Annuity Insurance”, referred to as "Guo Ren Insurance" below, and the insurance effective period should cover the study period). If the existing insurance doesn’t reach the requirement, or you don’t have any insurance, you are required to purchase “Guo Ren Insurance” (400 Yuan/6 Months)

2. For all the international students whose study period is more than 6 months, you need to present to ECNU international students office with the approved insurance policy (the insurance must be purchased from the insurance company in Mainland China; the insurance coverage is higher than the coverage of "Guo Ren Insurance" below, and the insurance effective period should cover the study period). If the existing insurance doesn’t reach the requirement, or you don’t have insurance, you are required to purchase “Guo Ren Insurance” (400 Yuan/6 months, 800 Yuan/year)

3. If any student doesn’t purchase the insurance, the school won’t be able to admit him/her; for the registered student, he/she won’t be able to register or will be expelled.

Insurance Coverage

Insurance Liabilities

Insurance Amount

Liability for Death + Accidental Disability


Accidental Medical Treatment


Medical Treatment for Outpatient and Emergency
*with a daily limit of 600 yuan
& the deductible amount is 650 yuan, and the excess portion will be reimbursed at a rate of 85%


Hospitalization Medical Treatment


*For the detailed insurance liabilities and the liability exemption (the condition that the insurance doesn’t cover), please download the attachment and read carefully.Insurance Plan English.pdf

Outpatient and Emergency Visit Notes

1. Make sure to go to the PUBLIC Hospital (Please go with someone who is able to translate for you)

The public hospitals close to ECNU are listed below:

- Putuo Central Hospital: 164 Lanxi Road

- No. 6 Hospital: 600 Yishan Road

- Huashan Hospital: 12 Wulumuqi Road

*For other hospitals, you need to call 4008105119 to confirm if it’s a public hospital

2. Make sure to go to the regular section

Do NOT go to VIP, special needs section, or the international section

* If the registration fee for the specialist section is over 100 yuan, please do NOT go that specialist

3. Please keep the following documents from the hospital

1) Outpatient medical record (the doctor’s note from each visit)

2) Receipts (the formal hospital receipts have 2 stamps, and the dates on all the receipts need to match the dates on the medical record)

3) Laboratory test report, examination result, and the prescriptions

4. You need to pay in advance, and claim the reimbursement after the treatment

All the expenses mentioned below are refrered to the reasonable expenditures that excludethe self-paid or partly self-paid items and expenses stipulated by the local regulations of the social basic medical insurance.

1) Outpatient and Emergency Medical Insurance

- The daily limit is 600 yuan (if the medical expenses of the day exceed 600 yuan, it’ll be calculated as 600 yuan for that day when claiming the reimbursement).

- The deductible amount is 650 yuan and the excess portion will be reimbursed at the rate of 85% (within each insurance period, accumulate the expenses from all the hospital visits. The accumulative amount under 650 yuan will not be reimbursed).

- The accumulative payment shall not exceed the limit of 20,000 yuan.

- Reimbursement equation: (the expense of each day within the daily limit RMB600 yuan add up-650 yuan) * 85%=reimbursable amount

2) Accidental Medical Insurance

- The accumulative payment shall not exceed the limit of 20,000 yuan.

- Reimbursement equation: total amount of reasonable expenditure * 100% = reimbursable amount

Hospitalization Notes

1. If the diagnosis confirms that the hospitalization is needed, and the student needs the insurance company to pay in advance, please complete the following steps to apply for advance payment (If the student can pay at his/her own expense and get reimbursed later, he/she can skip this step)

1) Please call 4008105119 before the hospitalization to confirm if the hospital is among the scope of Network Hospital of the insurance company and please provide the insurance company with the doctor’s name and contact phone number.

2) Please contact the Global Education Center (Tel: 62606892), or contact the program staff to complete the application form of advance payment. 理赔申请书.pdf

2. Please inform the doctor about insurance reimbursement requirement

Please inform the doctor about reimbursement requirements, especially conerning self-paid medications and room types (insurance doesn't cover special needs ward, international ward, single room ward ,VIP and A-level wards, etc.), and to avoid exceeding personal budget for medical expenses. 

3. Please keep the following documents from the hospital

1) Receipts

2) Invoice of the detailed medical expenses

3) Discharge summary or the inpatient medical record

4. If you paid in advance, you can claim the reimbursement after the discharge

- All the expenses mentioned below are refrered to the reasonable expenditures that excludethe self-paid or partly self-paid items and expenses stipulated by the local regulations of the social basic medical insurance.

- The reasonable and necessary fees for nursing is limited to 200 yuan/day and accumulate up to 60 days.

- The accumulative payment shall not exceed the limit of 400,000 yuan.

- Reimbursement equation: reasonable hospitalization expenditure * 100% = reimbursable amount

Reimbursement Procedure

Please prepare the following documents and come to Physics Building 257 for the reimbursement assistance during work hour. After the assistance and get the school stamp, please mail all the documents to the address listed below.

1) The copy of your passport information page and the visa page

2) The copy of the bank account information (you can get it from the bank “银行客户信息表”)

3) The original copy of the receipts from the hospital

4) The copy of the medical records (In case of the outpatient or emergency visit, it must be provided)

- The dates on the medical records must match the dates on the receipts.

- If there’s a missing date of the receipt or the medical record, you can go to the hospital to make up the receipt or the medical record.

5) Complete the Claim Application理赔申请书.pdf

- Account Name is the name that the account holder registered for his/her bank account, not the bank name. The account name needs to match with the name on the bank account information (银行客户信息表)

- Account Number is the bank card number

- Bank branch name is the bank branch where the account holder registered the card (call 95588 for the ICBC bank branch information; call 95566 for the BOC bank branch information)

6) Complete the Name Affidavit (If the name(s) on the original receipts is inconsistent with the passport name, or the passport is renewed, it must be provided) 姓名证明 Name Affidavit.doc

- If there are different names on different receipts (Chinese name, partial passport name, wrong spelling) and are different from the name on the passport, please list all the names in the corresponding section

7) Complete the Accident Statement (In case of the accident, it must be provided)意外事故说明 Accident Statement.docx

- If there is a traffic accident liability certificate issued by the Traffic Department in the traffic accident, the Liability Certificate must be provided

8) The copy of the discharge summary or the inpatient medical records, and the list of the detailed medical expenses (In case of the hospitalization, they must be provided)

9) The original receipts of nursing fee issued by the nursing service company (In case of using the nursing service during the hospitalization, it must be provided)

10) Mailing information of the all the documents of claim

Address:  北京市西城区金融街23号平安大厦9层(邮编100033)

Receiver: 来华项目组

Phone Number: 4008105119

* If you have any other question regarding the medical insurance, you can call 62606892, or you can email Cheng laoshi (zzcheng@ied.ecnu.edu.cn)

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