East China Normal University Global Education Center
Chinese cultural activities were held for students of GEC Chinese language programs
12 Apr 2019

     On April 4, International students from GEC Chinese language programs participated in the colorful Chinese cultural activities. They have experienced Painting Kites, Chinese Knots & Papercutting, Mahjong, Calligraphy, Chinese Martial Art and Sweet Green Rice Ball Wrapping.

Painting Kites

    As Qingming Festival came, we offered the Painting Kites Class for the international students to experience the traditional customs. Students created their own kites by painting a various of patterns.



Sweet Green Rice Ball Wrapping

    I can make dumplings. But today I learnt how to wrap the local snack called ‘sweet green rice balls’ too.


Practice Chinese Martial Art

    Some students practiced basic Chinese Kungfu and mastered some Martial art actions.


Practice Chinese Calligraphy

    By practicing the basic strokes and some Chinese characters such as love and fortune, students had a better understanding of the spirit and connotation of calligraphy.


Chinese Knot & Paper Cutting

    Some students did the folk arts of Chinese knots and paper-cutting and made wonderful art works.

Play Mahjong

    As a kind of famous recreational activity, Mahjong is not only loved by Chinese people, also by foreigners. Some students could not wait to sit and win a round at the moment seeing Mahjong. Every enjoyed it so much and had a lot of fun.


    This cultural activity has ended, but learning should never stop. Experience more outside the classroom in such a beautiful weather. Let’s look forward to the next activity!

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