2021年6月18日,华东师范大学国际学生毕业欢送会在中北校区逸夫楼顺利举行。一百多名毕业生参与了此次欢送会,不能返校的学生也通过线上视频的方式和大家同享毕业的感动和喜悦。 On June 18, 2021, the farewell ceremony for international students of East China Normal University was successfully held in Yifu Building, Zhongbei campus. More than 100 graduates participated in the ceremony, and the students who could not return to school also shared the moving and joy of graduation with everyone through online zoom meeting. 来自国际关系与地区发展研究院的阎德学老师为大家送上毕业祝福,还给大家送了寓意健康与祝福的“五彩绳”作为毕业礼物,同学们特别开心。 Mr. Yan Dexue, associate professor from the School of Advanced International and Area Studies of ECNU, delivered all graduates with best wishes and gave "colorful rope" as a graduation gift to all students, which implied health and blessings. 国际关系与地区发展研究院 院长助理,副教授 Mr. Yan Dexue 应届毕业生代表发言,向学校和老师们表达感谢,也祝愿所有毕业生未来更加美好。 The representatives of graduates made a speech to express their thanks to the school and teachers and wish all graduates a better future. 倪浩然 埃及 本科生 国际汉语文化学院 商务汉语 Abdelrahman Nasr Abdelrahman Mohamed Egypt Bachelor School of International Chinese Studies 柳莉娜 乌克兰 硕士研究生 国际关系与地区发展研究院 国际关系 Verba Alina Ukraine Master School of Advanced International and Area Studies 河内龙太郎 日本 本科生 国际汉语文化学院 汉语国际教育 KAWAUCHI RYUTARO Japan Bachelor School of International Chinese Studies 其他同学们也纷纷送上临别赠言和祝福。 Some other graduates gave wishes to everyone, too. 国际教育中心主任、国际汉语文化学院党委书记黄美旭老师为大家送上了最温暖的毕业祝福,也向所有目前在境外的同学们表达了最诚挚的想念。 Mr. Huang Meixu, director of the Global Education Center and Secretary of the Party Committee of School of International Chinese Studies, delivered the warmest graduation wishes, and also expressed the most sincere miss to all the students who are currently abroad. 让我们一起回顾下欢送会现场快乐的氛围吧。 Let's have a review of yesterday! 签名、合影留念 Sign name & Take photo 现场还准备了美味小零食。 We've prepared snacks and drinks! 国际教育中心的老师为大家精心准备了毕业礼物,ECNU飞跃鞋、鲜花和带有所有老师签名祝福的贺卡。 Global Education Center has carefully prepared graduation gifts with ECNU shoes, flowers and greeting cards with all teachers' signatures. 再次祝大家毕业快乐!前程似锦! Happy graduation and have a beautiful future! 摄影:林扬帆、李嘉丰