East China Normal University Global Education Center
【My Summer Story@ECNU】Experiencing Cultural Nuances Unfolding
29 Aug 2023

Hello everyone, my name is Hum Wai Chen. I am currently pursuing a Bachelor’s Degree in Human Resources Management at the Singapore University of Social Science (SUSS). My hobbies include taking photos of food and playing with my cat (I miss him so much). Also, I love travelling and learning about different cultures which was the reason why I participated in the ECNU Experience Diverse China Summer program!

Exploring Shanghai for the first time has been an extraordinary and eye-opening experience.

The city's mesmerising blend of east-meets-west architecture and vibrant culture has left me in awe.

Every day has been a learning experience that I believe will shape me in various ways beyond my imagination.

The engaging lessons and class excursions have deepened my passion for the Chinese language and broadened my understanding of China.

During my time at ECNU, a fellow student shared with me a saying, “爱在华师大”, which translates to “Love at ECNU”. This perfectly captures the warmth and camaraderie on campus.

I am immensely grateful for the warm hospitality displayed by the teachers and my fellow students, as it greatly facilitated my assimilation into this new environment.

This journey has fostered personal growth and opened my eyes to the beauty of cross-cultural exchange. Shanghai and ECNU will forever hold a special place in my heart.



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