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My Summer Story@ECNU | Life-changing Summer in China
12 Oct 2023

My Trip to China Was So Profound 

Connor Vlahos 韦恒 (Australia )


Shanghai, Nice to See You Again!

This was my second time in Shanghai, and this trip made me understand why Shanghai is often referred to as a magical city in Chinese.From its lively centre to its beautiful gardens, Shanghai has it all. 

ECNU in My Eyes

My first impression of ECNU campus was that it is extremely beautiful. Nestled away in the bustling streets of Putuo district, the university campus is the perfect place to study and learn. The campus has creeks, landmarks, and lots of greenery, creating an environment that always made me feel at peace and motivated to learn. 

The buildings were impressive and further added to the atmosphere of the campus. On the campus alone you can eat an impressive range of food at the canteen, go for a stroll, play sports, unwind in the bookstore café, and meet many interesting friendly people. There are even a few resident cats which are a favourite among students. 

Study @ ECNU

Another fantastic aspect of ECNU is the teaching staff. The teachers were extremely committed, engaging, personable, relatable, and motivating. Every day they delivered invigorating lessons on the Chinese language and culture, while also organizing numerous field trips to notable sites. Their dedication went beyond the classroom, reflecting the emphasis on hospitality in Chinese culture. 

Through the program, we became so immersed that we even started having dreams in Chinese. This is an exciting milestone for any foreign language learner and shows how transformative this program is!

Through the program, we became so immersed that we even started having dreams in Chinese. This is an exciting milestone for any foreign language learner and shows how transformative this program is!  

Chengdu,Here We Go!

A highlight of the trip was going to Chengdu. There, we got to see the pandas, experience "变脸," and deepen our understanding of Chinese history through museum visits. Taking a high-speed train to and from Chengdu allowed us to appreciate the stunning scenery of the Chinese countryside, with its sweeping plains and grand rivers that painted a picturesque landscape. 

I Will Cherish These Memories Forever

Thanks to the collaborative efforts of ANU and ECNU, we became the first Australian students sent by ANU to return to China after the lockdown. This achievement stands as a testament to the monumental efforts of all involved, for which I am immensely grateful. Through this immersive program, we gained invaluable knowledge of Chinese culture and language, forged lifelong connections, visited significant sites, and reignited our passion for learning Chinese.The memories, experiences and skills taken from this journey will serve us well for life!

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My Summer Story in Shanghai

Reuben Kozary 柯仁 (Australia)


China, Nihao!

Before coming to Shanghai to study at East China Normal University, I had never travelled to China before. I had only heard about life in China through friends, social media, and my classroom textbooks. I was very curious to see what life in China was truly like. Fortunately, I was able to go on a one-month exchange program to ECNU. After living in Shanghai for one month as a student, I can now say that being a student in China was one of the greatest experiences of my life.

A Warm Welcome from Shanghai& ECNU

From my first day in Shanghai, I received a very warm welcome, not only from the warm weather. Our Chinese language teachers and our program Coordinator were all so friendly and excited to meet us all. They gave us a tour of the beautiful ECNU campus, which is filled with lush greenery, sports facilities, cafeterias, and with the Liwa river running through the center. To top the first day off, the teachers even treated us to a delicious feast at the top level of one of the four cafeterias on campus. I quickly learnt that Chinese people love to eat tasty food together, and lots of it!

Life-changing Experiences 

The teaching style at ECNU was quite unique. Our language classes were taught entirely in Chinese, and we were not allowed to speak English. My teacher even told us, with a smile on her face, that if she caught us speaking English more than five times, we would have to buy ice-cream for the whole class. While this was daunting at first, it forced my listening and speaking skills to improve much quicker than when I was studying in Australia. 

Life outside of the classroom was full of adventure. With the central location of the ECNU campus and Shanghai’s extremely convenient and cheap subway system, the after-class travel possibilities were endless. Seven story malls that stay open until 10pm every night, an abundance of restaurants, museums, and sightseeing attractions, all were within a 15–20-minute train ride. Besides travelling around Shanghai after-class, the teachers also took us to many sightseeing attractions and Chinese company headquarters during class time.

Hope to Come Back Soon!

Although there is much more to say about my time in Shanghai, I can summarise by saying that this one-month ECNU exchange program has been a life-changing experience. I’ve made many new friendships, been inspired by the Chinese people and culture, and my appreciation and respect for China has grown significantly. I’ve been inspired to continue studying Chinese diligently so that I can use my language skills for my future career. I hope to be in China again someday soon!


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