East China Normal University Global Education Center
ACTIVITY | "ECNU TALK" Discussion of Customs and Congratulations
28 Apr 2024

On the afternoon of April 9th, about 20 international students from Intensive Chinese Class 2-2A and 2-2B gathered together to participate in the first session of "ECNU TALK" Chinese Corner activity. The theme of this event is "Discussion of Customs and Congratulations ". Students shared the varieties customs of different countries, and learn more of the diverse cultures from each other.

This activity consisted of four parts. First of all, the teacher introduced Chinese traditional customs and common greetings, then finish a warm up language tasks by pair work. Students from 2-2A played five short role-plays including promotion, childbirth, continuation of education, moving house and wedding. After that, the students were divided into several groups to discuss about special customs in their own countries. After discussion, students from Class 2-2B shared the transition of some ceremonies under the guidance of their Chinese teacher.

"ECNU TALK" Chinese Corner activity provides students with an opportunity to get in touch with pop culture and a platform for self-expression. Students can practice Chinese, show their talents and create amazing moments together. Welcome to join us next time!

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