East China Normal University Global Education Center
ECNU Basketball Friendship Tournament for International and Chinese Students was Successfully Held
27 Nov 2024

    ECNU Basketball Friendship Tournament for International and Chinese Students took place at the Putuo Campus from November 20th to 22nd, drawing over 90 students from more than 10 countries to compete. Throughout the three-day event, the participants displayed their exceptional basketball skills, seamless teamwork, and unwavering competitive spirit on the court, as they worked up a sweat in the fierce battles.

Group Pics of the Participating Teams

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    ECNU信息学部won the Basketball Friendship Tournament with their powerful offense and strong defense. SPAM Dunk took second place, impressing audiences with their quick counterattacks and accurate shooting. 5个Lebron, with their stable play and teamwork, earned third place. The tournament enriched  students' extracurricular activities, promoted cultural exchanges, and boosted ECNU's international reputation and campus diversity.

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