East China Normal University Global Education Center
2023 ECNU Excellent International Students Scholarship Application
14 Nov 2023

    ECNU Excellent International Students Scholarship aims to encourage and help excellent international students finish their study at ECNU, and make a good use of their talents to improve multi-cultural communication.


Scholarship Categories:

A. Scholarship of Excellent Degree Students

※ Eligibility:

1. Registered self-financed degree students who have studied at ECNU for at least one year

2. Abiding by Chinese laws and regulations, and ECNU disciplines and regulations

3. No suspension, retaining or extension of your student’s status

4. Those who haven’t obtained any scholarships from governments of China or your home country

5. Having made excellent academic performance in the academic year of 2022-2023

6. Having published thesis papers in key journals

7. Taking part in big international meetings and making speeches

8. Actively taking part in all kinds of social activities and voluntary activities on and out of campus


Rewarding Amount: 20,000 RMB/person

Rewarding Quota: 5 people


B. Scholarship of Excellent International Students in Research and Academics / Volunteer Service / Recreational and Sports Activities)

※ Eligibility:

1. Registered international students who have studied at ECNU for at least one year, including scholarship and self-financed students

2. Abiding by Chinese laws and regulations, and ECNU disciplines and regulations

3. Having passed all subjects of study in the academic year of 2022-2023

4. Having made outstanding contribution in the fields of academic learning, Scientific and technological invention competition, sports, arts, cultural exchange, charity, volunteer service, etc. in the academic year of 2022-2023

Rewarding Amount: 5000 RMB/person

Rewarding Quota: 36 people



1. The valid time range of evaluation materials is from September 1, 2022 to August 31, 2023.

2. Eligible students may apply for both type A and type B scholarships, but can only receive one of them.

3. Students applying for type B scholarship can only apply for one category of scholarship.

4. If the number of students meeting the requirements of the scholarship is insufficient, the place will be vacant.

5. After the application deadline, incomplete application materials will be considered as automatic waiver of eligibility.

6. The review will be conducted in the form of offline interview. If you cannot participate for no reason, you will automatically give up your qualification.

7. If you receive three or more dormitory disciplinary warnings, you will be judged as a disciplinary violation.


Application Documents:

1. Fill in the online form at http://pfrlfcjtn741haat.mikecrm.com/K2YPYTJ

2.  Application form

Application form for Excellent Degree Students Scholarship.docx

Application form for Scholarship of Excellent International Students in Research and Academics.docx

Application form for Scholarship of Excellent International Students in Recreational and Sports Activities.docx

Application form for Scholarship of Excellent International Students in Volunteer Service.docx

3. Transcript of the academic year of 2022-2023

4. Information of published articles and the photocopy of the cover of the publication

Information on Published Articles.xls

5. Other relevant materials which can be served as certification of your outstanding performance or special contribution in the academic year of 2022-2023


Application and Evaluation Procedures:

1. Please submit the hard copy of the application documents to the Global Education Center at Room 263, physics bldg. (Putuo campus), or Room 101, No. 12 dormitory for postgraduate students (Minhang campus, working hour: Tuesday and Thursday).

2. Application Deadline: Nov. 21, 2023

3. Official review meeting will be organized by the university to select out the most qualified students.

4. Students receive the “Notification Letter of Scholarship”.

5. Award Ceremony will be held.


Contact Info.:

Contact Person: Jiang laoshi

Tel: 021-62233386

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